This is the very reason this ministry came into existence.
today's world, there are many families that do not have a home church or family minister to look to in times of need. Our function is to provide the services these folks need that many mainstream churches overlook due to them not being a church member. Too often churches and ministers forget their true calling is to God and not the flock of only their church.
As a non-denominational ministry, we serve all of God's people regardless of your religious beliefs. We serve all God's children in their time of need whether it be in their homes, hospitals, retirement homes, or rehabilitation centers.
Many individuals and families are without a home church, therefore, too often they find that upon the death of a loved one, they cannot find a minister to officiate the service. The need for closure, whether it be of a spiritual nature or a civil ceremony is imperative and necessary for the friends and family members of the deceased. Our function is to provide these persons with the decency of a proper burial for their love ones. The fees charged for our professional services and the preparation of your program varies. We will make arrangements to sit with a family member or a friend and assist in any preparation for an appropriate service.
Cost: Varies
As a Community Chaplain's Service, we also offer our services to the corporate world, regardless of the size of your company. We offer all our services whether it be a wedding, renewal of wedding vows, funeral services, or biblical counseling to your employees. The cost here would be a one time yearly advertising fee (100%) deductive and some services would be provided on the premises. Contact us and we will be happy to meat with a representative of your firm.
Cost: Yearly Advertising Fee